© 2020 Helly Pringle

Website Tweaks

My website is something that I keep revisiting and continually tweaking. I felt I was happy with the font, but today I went back and looked at my website and I am really not happy with it at all. I feel it looks really childish and quite basic. Here I explored other fonts as I want my text to be bold to fit in with my brand board and other content I have created this year. However, I feel the text I currently have just isn’t working at all. I trialled a few different variations of fonts, but in the end,  I have decided to go with ‘Benton Sans Bold Italic’ – I feel this font has the right level of boldness and strength to it, without it being too overpowering. I also muted the colours of my headings a little as I found that these bright primary colours were also adding to the childlike nature of my website, which I was not too happy with. I am really pleased now I have changed up these headings, I am sure as I continue viewing my website I will continue to make subtle changes as this is all part of the process.


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