Monthly Archives: March 2020

How to edit heat sensor imagery

How to edit heat sensor imagery I have decided to include a quick video tutorial on how I edit my imagery in this thermal sensor way, as I am really proud …


Styling thoughts

Styling thoughts

  I have been feeling quite stuck recently as I really want to create more fashion style imagery, but I am finding this really hard …


Covid 19

Covid 19

    Due to Covid-19 University has been shut this week, and all teaching will be done digitally. In terms of my project this does worry me …


Job Roles

Job Roles

  When creating my database on potential employers I found that my list of potential companies is very varied. I feel this is because I am …


3D Scanner

3D Scanner

These are the animations I created using the 3D scanner, I am really pleased with their outcome. I want to edit the imagery further and …

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