Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

SU Support staff award – SSGT highly commended

Support Staff Award – Highly Commended (H, Duff/ R.Marriott)  This was a joint nomination between myself and my fellow SSGT in the School of Sport & Service Management, Rob Marriott. We were delighted to receive this nomination as we have been working closely with the Students Union this year to try and improve the support…

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Body Image and You. What do you love about your body?

SSGT Stand: Body Image and You. What do you love about your body? This year the theme for Mental Health Awareness Week was body image and the link between this and mental health. As SSGTs (Student Support and Guidance Tutors) on the Eastbourne Campus, Rob Marriott and myself set up stands at both Hillbrow and…

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Dementia Action Week

Dementia Action Week takes place this week  (20 – 26 May 2019), and is a national campaign to unite people, workplaces, schools and communities to take action and improve the lives of the 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK. This year Dementia Action Week will focus on inclusion. Living with dementia doesn’t need…

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Health Sciences wins at Brighton student union awards 2019

The Brighton Student Union Awards took place last night, celebrating the amazing work that our students, staff and volunteers do each year. Congratulations to all our winners and everyone who was highly commended, as follows Support staff award Heather Duff and Rob Marriott, Student Support and Guidance Tutors – highly commended. Inspirational teaching award Jo…

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New research partnership with Kings College and Addis Ababa

We have linked up with two other universities in a new  five-year research partnership. Professor Chris Pole, the University’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Addis Ababa University and Kings College London to work together on co-operative research, academic collaborations and staff and student exchanges. The new research partnership will see the co-development…

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Fresh eggs for Easter?

Dr Kathy Martyn, Principle Lecturer in the School of Health Sciences, and our nutrition expert, appeared on BBC1’s The One Show on Monday night to explain how you can tell if an egg is fresh to eat. Over 720 million eggs are being thrown away each year, most because they are close to their use-by…

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Celebrating International Women’s Day

At the University of Brighton, we are proud to have an extraordinarily talented staff and student community – and we are committed to equality of opportunity. To mark International Women’s Day this year – we invited colleagues involved in equality activities and our students to tell us about the women who inspire them. Watch the…

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Dr Josh Cameron

£11m to help young people build resilience

Dr Josh Cameron, Principal Lecturer and Dr Suna Eryigit-Madzawamuse, Senior Research Fellow, both from the School of Health Sciences,  are leading the research evaluation as part of a £11 million National Lottery Community Fund programme that has involved recruiting 11,000 young people in Blackpool in what is being called a revolutionary approach to building resilience….

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Meeting our furry friends in Eastbourne – supporting good mental health

Daisy and Beryl arrived early on our Eastbourne campus today, eagerly awaiting our popular ‘Walk the Dog’ event. A chance for students and staff to meet some of our fury friends and take a walk in the beautiful nearby countryside. The event is part of a range of activities taking place today to support World…

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Starting a course with us soon?

We’re really looking forward to seeing you! 🙂   Soon you will be able to see for yourself that student life is about much more than just study. From volunteering opportunities to sport and fitness, there’s something for everyone. We have lots of useful advice and information on our website.  

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