Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Meeting our furry friends in Eastbourne – supporting good mental health

Daisy and Beryl ready for their walk with staff and students.

Daisy and Beryl ready for their walk with staff and students.

Daisy and Beryl arrived early on our Eastbourne campus today, eagerly awaiting our popular ‘Walk the Dog’ event. A chance for students and staff to meet some of our fury friends and take a walk in the beautiful nearby countryside.

The event is part of a range of activities taking place today to support World Mental Health Day.   Our Student Support and Guidance Tutors are running a cake stand, offering tea and a talk on our Falmer campus.  They will be encouraging staff and students to share ideas on our wellbeing tree.  Students from our nursing society will also be on hand to chat to, whilst Sport Brighton will be there with their hook a duck game.

Mental health problems can affect anyone, at any time according to Mind, the mental health charity.  World Mental Health Day aims to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world.  Dr Nita Muir, our Nursing Academic Lead, said:

Mental health awareness day  is  about promoting awareness and committing to a recovery point; it is a celebration of how far we have come in reducing the stigma of mental distress but also as a reminder that there is still a lot of good work to do. 

And, if you would like the opportunity to explore our  Eastbourne campus and take a look at the beautiful surrounding countryside, why not come along to our Eastbourne open day on Saturday.


mental healthMental Health DayNursingUniversity of Brighton

Kerry Burnett • 10/10/2018

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