Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

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Virtual taster

Students from BHASVIC Sixth Form College in Brighton attended a virtual taster session to find out more about our Sport Management BSc(Hons) degree.

The one-hour session was run by Richard Burgess-Gamble who is Director of Finance at Brighton Students’ Union; the session detailed the topics of study covered on the sport management degree including the Finance and Economics module which Richard delivers.

The students asked lots of questions about the course including the different types of careers they could expect to follow after graduation – the choices are vast. They were also set a challenge to write a 500-word report on how they would improve their favourite sports business, with an Amazon Voucher on offer for the best submission.

Richard said: “It’s really important to support local colleges and teachers during these challenging times and provide students with an opportunity to learn something new.

“The session offered a taster of what they can expect from the course as they make important decisions about their education.”

We hope this will be the first of many different virtual sessions as students start to think about their future.

Kerry Burnett • 08/06/2020

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