School of Sport and Health Sciences

group of adult nursing students on campus

Nursing student provides poetic reflection

As part of their degree placement nursing students attend a reflective meeting with their peers and a facilitator to share their experiences. Reshmi, one of our Nursing (Adult) BSc(Hons) students, shared a beautiful poem with her fellow students during one of these sessions.

Reshmi explained the background to her poem: “Student nurses are allocated two placements a year in a healthcare setting to develop their knowledge and skills of the role of the nurse. Whilst these experiences are mostly wonderful there can also be some tough first-time experiences.

“Reflection and self-care are essential in nursing and after a particularly hard shift I wanted to put into words the many emotions I felt so wrote this reflection as a poem.

“It was incredibly cathartic as it allowed me to recognise how far I had come since my Access course and the start of my nursing degree in 2020. My background was in the corporate world of digital advertising and as fabulous and fun as it was, there really is no substitute for the human connection nursing rewards us with.

“By completing this degree at Brighton University, meeting wonderful, like-minded nurses of the future these last few years have been some of the best years of my life and to realise a childhood dream as a mature student in becoming a registered nurse is an absolute privilege.”

Same old me – a poem by Reshmi Burgess

I light my lamp and sit and pray,
I reflect, give thanks and say….
Thank you for this gift, for this chance to become a nurse
to help others in their time of need.

To sit and dream of bigger things of a fancier life maybe….
But, I once had that and its not enough, this feels more real to me.
Courageous, compassionate, brave and kind
It’s not who they all are but it is me.

I think of the people I am helping along the way, this is me changing day by day.
Growing, learning, preparing, often feeling scared, often the tears come, uncontrollable,
grieving for a somewhat broken system, for other people’s ill health.

The tears stop, and I am left feeling changed again, but stronger more clarity than the last time.
Change is life, life is kind and cruel, light and heavy, reflected in all that we do as nurses.
I am proud… I am wondering who I am now, still the same me but with a flame ignited ready to glow
and shine the brightest part of me. Just the same, just the same old me.

Rebecca Craig, Senior Lecturer in the School of Sport and Health Sciences, said: “During their placements nursing students attend a reflective meeting with their peers and a facilitator. It was during one of these meetings that Reshmi shared her beautiful poem.

“The group have supported each other throughout their degree, which has been especially challenging due to the pandemic. Reshmi sharing her poem with her peers and myself was incredibly moving, and enabled the group to engage in important reflective discussion about how they have all transitioned as nursing students and individuals.”

Find out how you can become a nurse with the University of Brighton.

Kerry Burnett • 18/07/2023

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