Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

The students at the conference

Presenting at BASES Student Conference

Students from our undergraduate and postgraduate sport science degrees received funding to attend this years British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) annual student conference. BASES is the professional body for sport and exercise sciences in the UK and endorses our Sport and Exercise Science BSc degree and our sport science labs.

The students presented their research to peers, academics, and researchers from across the UK as well as having the opportunity to network to learn more about further study, PhD opportunities, internships and employment after graduating.

The students were accompanied by lab technician Bill Norton, who is a University of Brighton sport science graduate and a BASES Supervised Sport and Exercise Scientist.

Bill with Gregor and Jeannet from Para-Monte

Bill (standing) with Gregor and Jeannet from Para-Monte

Bill said: “There were some great keynotes on the challenges within sport and exercise science and a GB Rowing symposium with one of our former PhD students Gareth Turner.

“We also supported altitude charity Para-Monte whilst at the conference to raise awareness of the impact of altitude mountain sickness, how you can recognise the signs and symptoms, and how to respond.”

The students gave their thoughts on the benefits of attending the conference:

Alex Yang – Sport and Exercise BSc

Alex Yang“Attending the 2023 BASES sports science conference was an incredibly insightful experience, where I had the valuable opportunity of meeting like-minded peers whilst immersing myself in the sports science world. The conference was filled with enthralling lectures and symposiums that covered a broad range of topics, organised in a way tailored to individual interests in numerous fields.

“I had the opportunity to present my undergraduate dissertation topic and discuss my findings with fellow students and researchers. A diverse range of thought-provoking and informative presentations from other students in various areas gave me a fresh perspective on sports science research and illuminated my understanding of different topics and research strategies.

“Overall, attending and presenting at the BASES conference was an enriching and rewarding experience. I’d recommend other students take this unique opportunity to build connections and learn from the best in the field. I’d especially like to extend my gratitude to the university staff involved in organising this experience.”

Grace Seaton – Sport and Exercise Science BSc

Grace Seaton“Although prior to the conference I was extremely apprehensive about the prospect of presenting a poster on my dissertation study, once there the imposter syndrome lessened and the whole experience was very rewarding. The conference schedule was packed in the best way and had something to interest everyone and many different formats.

“The symposia options were varied allowing attendees to tailor their schedule to personal interests and for me included informative careers talk and an extremely interesting workshop by UK Antidoping. The stalls at the conference produced a great opportunity to learn about new technologies, institutions, and the amazing altitude awareness charity Para-Monte.

“Viewing other students’ poster and oral presentations allowed a great opportunity to network, ask questions, and spark new ideas for future research. The theme that ran through the conference was looking back to aid the future which really resonated and inspired.

“Overall, I found the entire experience inspiring, educational, thought provoking and helped to cement that I want to continue in this field of study. I’m very thankful to the organisers and all those involved in the conference and want to express my huge gratitude for those at the university who put in the hard work behind the scenes to give us this opportunity.”

Harry Lewis – Strength and Conditioning MSc

Harry Lewis“The 2023 Bases Student Conference provided a valuable experience for me as a student pursuing a career in sports and exercise science. This event gave me the chance to connect with experts and professionals in the field through lectures and drop-in sessions.

“The conference covered a wide range of topics, allowing attendees to gain deeper insight into areas of interest and how research impacts real-world contexts. In addition, the conference also offered insights into potential employment opportunities in the sports and exercise sector, including both the rewards and challenges that come with such careers.

“During the poster presentations, I had the opportunity to discuss my work with like-minded individuals, which enabled me to reflect and expand my existing knowledge. Through lectures and discussions with other students, I was able to engage in critical thinking around my topic, leading me to question various aspects of my investigation and sparking new ideas for future research designs.

“Overall, the BASES Student Conference 2023 was a rewarding and thought-provoking experience that expanded my understanding of the field and its possibilities.”

Anya Gough – Applied Exercise Physiology MSc

Anya Gough“The 2023 BASES student conference held at Anglia Ruskin Cambridge was the first conference I have attended. Leading up to the event I found myself feeling anxious about being surrounded by such a wide variety of esteemed researchers and sport and exercise scientists wondering to myself how I could feel comfortable in such environment. However, from the moment I was welcomed into reception the anxiety turned into excitement and suddenly I felt at home amongst students with similar interests and ideas.

“The first keynote lecture from Dr Anita Biswas focused on the sex differences within Sport and Exercise Science. Opening with the history of struggles women have faced taking part in sport to the hormonal challenges and the shocking fact that only a mere 4% of research in Sport Science is conducted exclusively on women. As a woman within science the lecture really opened my eyes and has encouraged me to use my position as a woman in science to make a difference.

“Following this it was time for me to present my poster of my proposed research project idea. It was a slow start, and it was a daunting feeling because I had not completed this research yet and at the time it was all still a work in progress so I was worried I would not have any definitive answers for people. However, with more people and more questions came more confidence and soon I found myself enjoying sharing my ideas and listening as well as educating others.

“It was a fantastic opportunity to hear the thoughts of everyone from undergraduates all the way to senior lecturers and researchers and the advice I received from everyone was truly a unique experience. When the presentations were concluded I felt a huge amount of accomplishment.

“It is truly an inspiring experience being surrounded by fellow researchers who are all passionate about their subject with a range of biomechanics, physiology, nutrition, performance analysis and psychology students it was a great opportunity to engage with students from across the country.

“Something that stood out to me the most was that it didn’t matter if you were an undergraduate in your first year of study or if you were a professor with an array of research output, there was this overwhelming feeling of equality where no matter where you were in your journey of Sport and Exercise Science everyone respected each other. I found both days an extremely positive and motivating experience.”

Ed Adriano – Sport and Exercise Science BSc

“My experience in BASES opened my eyes on what careers are there within Sport and Exercise Science.

“I enjoyed meeting people from across the UK and talk about what I have learned at the university and speaking to them about potential postgraduate degrees they have to offer.

“All the lectures were amazing to listen to and I cannot wait to see what else BASES has to offer in the future.”

Find out about studying sport and exercise at the University of Brighton.

Kerry Burnett • 18/05/2023

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