Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

student wearing a mask

Upcoming events for offer holders

University of Brighton applicant days are a great way to learn more about the course you’ve applied for and what we have to offer.

For undergraduate nutrition and sport course offer holders we have in-person events taking place on our Eastbourne campus on:

  • Saturday 26 February
  • Wednesday 30 March

And there’s still time to book your place for either event!

You’ll get to take part in course-related taster activities, join a course talk, and meet staff and current students – all alongside other offer holders who are looking to join us this September. You’ll also get tours of the great facilities we have on the Eastbourne campus including:

We’re really looking forward to welcoming you to our Eastbourne campus.

Lecturer demonstrating in the nutrition mini lab

Kerry Burnett • 25/02/2022

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