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graphic saying: World Menopause Awareness Month

Brighton academic spotlights overlooked menopause health risk for women

Dao Tunprasert will speak on 16 October at the Foot & Ankle Show to highlight muscle, tendon and joint problems linked to menopause-related collagen loss.

Collagen is a protein that serves as one of the main building blocks for bones, skin, hair, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Reduction in oestrogen levels during menopause also leads to a reduction in collagen production, which makes muscles, tendons and ligaments more prone to  injury – as well as extending healing times, as there is less collagen in the body to make repairs.

Dao Tunprasert is a Senior Lecturer in Podiatry in the School of Sport & Health Sciences, where she is also studying for a PhD on a topic of footwear. Dao is also an owner and practising musculoskeletal podiatrist at Rebalance Foot and Ankle Services based in East Sussex.

Photo of DaoSpeaking ahead of her appearance at the Foot & Ankle Show in Liverpool, Dao said: “Hormonal changes, particularly oestrogen deficiency, can affect quality of tendons. Laboratory based studies have demonstrated that – but only a handful of clinical studies have been performed on the topic. As a clinician and a researcher, we should not avoid talking about this because of the lack of research in human subjects. Instead, we should be engaging in the discussion to raise awareness and encourage more research.”

Dao’s talk – entitled ‘Menopause & tendinopathy – improving our understanding and conversations with patients ‘ – provides a timely addition to World Menopause Awareness Month, which culminates in World Menopause Awareness Day on October 18.

Building on the global success of Menopause Cafes, the University of Brighton is carrying out various Menopause Awareness raising events during October. Pausitivity Posters detailing varied symptoms women can experience during peri-menopause and menopause are on display around the university, and can also be downloaded or shared using this link.

There is also information available about menopause-related resources on university’s Wellbeing pages, including details of specialist GPs and links to menopause organisation.

On 21 October at 6pm, meanwhile, the university is holding a live Menopause Awareness Event in Asa Briggs lecture theatre on its Falmer Campus. There will be a range of menopause experts and campaigners participating, and they will be taking questions from the audience. The event is free but space is limited – please book in advance on our website.

image showing details of the 21 October event

Kerry Burnett • 14/10/2021

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