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students walking in the woods

Our online summer schools are open for bookings

Our online summer schools are free, open to sixth form and college students, and offer the opportunity to get a real feel for what it’s like to study a subject you love at university.

Summer schools normally take place on campus but this year we are taking them online, from 14-17 July. Students will get involved in lectures, informal discussions, careers and university information, study skills and fun online social events each evening. As well as taking part in the activities they are great experience to add to personal statements when applying to university.

Our current students, academics and university staff are running summer schools in lots of different subjects. See the full list below and visit our summer school page on the website for more information and details about how to book.

University of Brighton online summer schools 2020:

  • arts and design
  • architecture and product design
  • business and law
  • computing and mathematics
  • education and teaching
  • engineering and construction
  • geography, geology and environment
  • health
  • humanities – e.g. history, English and philosophy
  • media
  • sciences – e.g. chemistry, biology, biomedical science and pharmacy
  • social sciences – e.g. sociology, psychology, criminology
  • sport


Kerry Burnett • 06/07/2020

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