Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Daniel crosses the finish line

Daniel becomes youngest half marathon winner

Daniel crosses the finish lineUniversity of Brighton student and distance runner Daniel Stidder became the youngest ever athlete to win the Eastbourne Half Marathon.

Daniel who is 19 and a first year Physical Education BA(Hons) student finished the race in an astonishing time of 1 hour 15 minutes and 10 second – an amazing three minutes ahead of his nearest competitor. His time was the fifth fastest time ever recorded at the event.

Daniel competes for the University of Brighton and Brighton Phoenix running clubs and has high hopes to make the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games and to win gold on his home turf.

Daniel attributes much of his success to the University of Brighton and the sport science support he receives alongside strength and conditioning coaching.

Daniel said: “The University of Brighton have been incredibly supportive since I started my studies and I believe that the level of advice and coaching I have received has made me a more accomplished athlete.”

Almost at the finish line


Kerry Burnett • 19/03/2018

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