Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

MasterChef comes to the Eastbourne campus

The MasterChef Challenge as part of the Compact Plus Programme for widening participation has been running at the University of Brighton for five years. The event took place in the Culinary Arts Studio – a great resource for teaching within the university and for activities and events with local schools and the wider community.

From 12 to 16 June, students from five schools (Burgess Hill Academy, Eastbourne Academy, Thomas Bennett Community College, Rye College and Sir Robert Woodard Academy) took part in the challenge which included preparing and cooking a four course meal, with drinks, for judges and participants.

Students were grouped into teams and given instructions and ingredients to produce the dishes whilst being supervised by staff and student ambassadors from our hospitality courses. On each day they were observed by three judges who were University of Brighton staff.

The judges looked for how the students organised themselves to complete the set tasks paying particular attention to food hygiene and safety, team working, knowledge of dishes they were preparing, presentation of their dishes and the taste and flavour of their creation.

The winning teams were given medals and a trophy went to the individual who was awarded MasterChef of the day.

Ken Woodward, Senior Lecturer commented: “We had a wonderful time hosting the schools from across the region during the week long MasterChef competition. The levels of culinary skills shown by the participants this year was exceptional and each and every chef should be congratulated for their high achievements.”

Gill Rogers, Technical Instructor added: “In culinary terms we look for food that is edible which we call Level 1 and look for food that is saleable as Level 2.  Without a doubt all the food prepared and cooked this year was restaurant standard and would grace the tables of any good quality restaurant.

“Well done to each and every one of the students.”

Marina Trowell, Recruitment and Outreach Co-ordinator said: “MasterChef has been a great event for students from local schools. From the feedback, new skills were developed and it helped to raise awareness about the hospitality industry, related university courses and allowed students to gain first-hand experience of what it is like to work in a professional kitchen.

“I’d like to thank the staff and student ambassadors that helped make the event so successful.”

Kerry Burnett • 23/06/2017

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