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Podiatry graduate Kerry Brown wins College of Podiatry award!

University of Brighton BSc Podiatry graduate Kerry Brown has won the inaugural College of Podiatry End of Year Report award for 2016.  This national competition is for all final year students and seeks to reward the best research report across the UK.

Her work ‘Does foot posture influence forefoot plantar pressures when conducting a single leg heel raise test? A quantitative prospective research study’, was supervised by Dr Beverley Durrant, lecturer in the university’s School of Health Sciences.

Fellow alumni Harriet Goodfellow and Penny Raeside worked with Kerry on data gathering. The work demonstrated that plantar pressures during a single heel raise are influenced by foot posture.

A single leg heel raise is a common clinical test for tendon disorders in the leg and this lays the foundation for further work to establish the relationship between forefoot loading patterns and tendon dysfunction.

Kerry, awarded a BSc(Hons) Podiatry last year, said: “I am extremely honoured to be the first recipient of this award, and thank the College of Podiatry for showcasing the value of undergraduate research skills in our development as competent clinicians. I’d also like to thank Dr Durrant and the whole Podiatry staff team for their excellent teaching and support on the final year project and indeed throughout our degree.”

Kerry’s work is scheduled to be published in the peer-reviewed journal Podiatry Now, in May.


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BSc (Hons) PodiatryCollege of PodiatryCollege of Podiatry End of Year Report awardDr Beverley DurrantDr Durrantfoot postureforefoot plantar pressuresPodiatry Nowsingle heel raiseUniversity of Brighton

Kerry Burnett • 14/03/2017

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