The importance of Chaffey’s social media channel and how it relates to companies like ASOS?


The importance of social media in today’s market place cannot be ignored, a company’s social media and successful use of its digital and social channels can make or break it. One example of a company who relies heavily on social media and utilises every part of social media element of Chaffey’s 6 channels, is ASOS. A completely online retail company, who lacks any physical capital.

The parts being discussed in this Blog are as follows: Firstly brand image, secondly customer acquisition, thirdly improved customer feedback and final aspect that will be touched upon is improved engagement for incumbent customers.

Source: Smart insight, 2018

Brand image
To begin, Chaffey’s 6 ( smart insight, 2018)channel list social media as one its element’s and for good reason. Social media plays a key role in a brands image. Brand image is essential in analysing the success of many companies such as Apple, Coke, ASOS, this is due to the perceived value that branding gives. With 51% of sales coming from mobiles(Hobbs et al., 2018), ASOS has realised the need to build their brand around social media with their ecommerce strategy built around social media such as using likes on Instagram in determining what’s popular.

To continue ASOS current social media campaign involves using influencers such as dancers, skaters as opposed to original influencer’s such as fashion models. This has revitalised ASOS brand image and is almost antithetical to ASOS early years and is partially the reason why millions of millennials purchase clothing from them.

Viral presence

Image result for youtube advertisementsource: tech bakkak, 2018
Viral presence is also key factor of a good marketing campaign. Firstly viral presence can be a very cost effective method of advertising compared to older methods such as TV. The cost of YouTube video or Facebook advertisement generally are lower, and can be infinitely more effective due to users sharing.

To continue viral campaign’s specifically one that leverages social media such as twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc, can be an effective way of generating awareness quickly. To add intelligence placement of ads and videos are also key, poor placement can lead to loses. In application, ASOS for example would be well advised to send their new product ad or video to loyal fans in the hopes of them spreading the word. This example only applies to companies such as ASOS who already have a large online presence.


However a large reason as to why viral presence can be so productive is because users can share using social media. Re-tweeting, liking etc. are the reasons why some product awareness explodes, thus any marketing strategy that fails to intrigue users may find itself underwhelmed with the response.

Improved customer feedback
Where social media really shines is in regards to customer feedback. Customers can get effective and real time feedback on goods and queries they may have. This is important for the following reasons: one because it leads to a better customer experience, which in turn contributes to brand loyalty and customer retention. In addition to this it is also greatly useful for a company like ASOS in which they can answer many customers at a time as opposed to on the phone customer service, it is also more cost effective due to lower man power required.


Social media in this application can also be a double edged sword if customers experience poor customer service, they may post there frustration. This can lead to damaging off brand image, or/and loss of revenue for the company.

Improved customer engagement
In regards to improved engagement that social media can bring to a company’s marketing campaign, ASOS insiders have allowed ASOS to improve their engagements with their consumers, with their OOTD (outfit of the day) scheme. What makes this ingenious is that customers can buy the featured outfits straight out of there social media account (Word-of-Mouth and Referral Marketing Blog, 2018). Without having to purchase items individually.

To close Chaffey 6 channels encompasses social media as one of the channels that contributes to a company’s social and website presence; and justly so. Social media can contribute greatly

  • in building or revitalising a company’s brand image, such as ASOS.
  • If done right can lead to a more productive viral presence allowing for a cheap and easy way of building hype for a product.
  • social media can be an excellent cost effective way of managing customer services, due to the reduction in manpower.
  • improved customer engagement

Thus it would be safe conclude that companies that neglect Chaffey’s social media channel, will lose out greatly either through poor brand promotion, loss of marketing abilities and a more costly customer service.

Smart Insights. (2018). Digital marketing channels | Smart Insights. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jan. 2018]. (2018). The Importance of Viral Marketing in Launching a New Product. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jan. 2018].

Tech Bakbak: A technology blog that is easy to understand. (2018). 6-second YouTube ads you can’t skip -. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jan. 2018].

Hobbs, T., Vizard, S., Hobbs, T., Reporters, M., Roderick, L., Barnett, M., Barta, T., Vizard, S., Woollen, P. and Joy, S. (2018). Asos on why digital must be a balance between mass reach and targeting – Marketing Week. [online] Marketing Week. Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2018].

Word-of-Mouth and Referral Marketing Blog. (2018). How ASOS Built A Popular Brand Through These Brilliant Marketing Strategies – Word-of-Mouth and Referral Marketing Blog. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2018].