At visioning event in White Rock Hotel.
Month: June 2019
2015: Memory or Dementia Support (MoDS) launched
Volunteer run project helping people to remain part of their community.
2014: Healthy Hastings and Rother programme started
By NHS Clinical Commissioning Group. Includes Active Hastings programme.
2014: Inequalities Programme funding secured
£5 million to address health inequalities.
2012: Energise Sussex Coast founded
A community benefit co-operative set up to accelerate the transition to a low carbon future.
2012: Jerwood gallery opens
New gallery for contemporary visual arts provides centrepiece for improvements to the Stade including Stade Hall and Stade Open Space.
2011: Horizons goes independent
Community Learning unit forms Community Interest Company and leaves Sussex University.
2010: Hastings Pirates break Guinness record
For largest gathering of pirates – 14,231 – in the Old Town.
2010: Beach exercise equipment installed
Along the seafront.
2008: ETC Sussex formed
To meet the training and education needs of people from marginalised communities.