PC Specialist Email Marketing

PC Specialist Email We will be looking at a conversion / lifecycle email received from PC Specialist. More specifically an order confirmation email. About the Firm PC Specialist is a firm in the UK focused on the building of PC’s based on customised specifications. My attitude to email marketing I never read my emails unless…

Assignment Reflection

This is a review of groupwork produced by University of Brighton students analysing the digital presence of  Metro Bank’s digital presence. [Metro Bank Logo]  Let’s have a look at a bit of teamwork theory. Theory Ndeygger. R & Ndeygger. L, (2010) These components are tailored to the workplace setting but can be applied to the…

Metro – Usability Checklist

This entry will look at Metro Banks website usability discussing various factors. Enhanced organisation to locate information – Yes. Metro have enhanced the website particularly the initial landing page. The website is laid out much like a mobile application with a collapsible menu listing functions from current accounts to mortgages. On the sites home page…

Game’s Website Environmental Factors

This post will briefly look at the Micro and Macro environmental factors affecting Game. Game is a retailer that specialises in the sale of consoles, games for consoles, accessories and merchandise. Competition Game has a large number of physical stores which are becoming a more expensive burden on the business. theboar.org (2020) says “GAME still…

Twitters Value

Twitter The main benchmark for valuing twitters business is the use and engagement by users. Business of apps has found that in 2018 Twitter had 336 million users. According to Statista this fell to 330 million in 2019. This shows a small decline in user base relative to its size and so Twitter continues to…

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