This is a review of groupwork produced by University of Brighton students analysing the digital presence of Metro Bank’s digital presence.
Let’s have a look at a bit of teamwork theory.
Ndeygger. R & Ndeygger. L, (2010)
These components are tailored to the workplace setting but can be applied to the current student environment. In terms of this particular project the technology has been available to students previously if no already owned. Tutors have had to tailor course delivery to the online platforms and the University has standardised the use of Microsoft Teams along with Blackboards Student Central. If we focus on the culture of the group in question as opposed to the entire University we can say with confidence that there is a strong work ethic which was identified by the members prior to the project beginning. This has lead to an atmosphere within the team of minimal stress. This culture in turn shows that the team members are competent with managing a virtual team project.
How was the project managed?
Planning – Once the assignment was released our group was in a group call to discuss the firm we should analyse. Throughout the duration of the project we operated on a call to call basis typically at the end of each call we organised the next one and would set some expectations for what would be delivered by each team member by that stage.
Organisation – The PowerPoint we were to complete was broken down into individual components which was divided up amongst the team and then consolidated into the final product for submission.
Process – The process of completing the work consisted of collaboration between members to assist on various areas but for the majority of the time once the assignment was divided into its fair share these areas were worked on independently.
Involvement – Every member of the team was involved in the organisation and completion of the project. With our regular calls we successfully made progress at a steady rate to meet the assignment brief.
Collaboration – Being online for the task the expectation is that less collaboration would take place. However, we have maintained consistent communication through Microsoft Teams and Snapchat so that if anyone needs help one of us can assist.
Communication has been the driving factor for this assignment. Communication has allowed the setting of expectations and demonstrates reliability to team members by delivering what was promised. Brewer and Homes, (2016). Identified that using language and terminology everyone understands improves the understanding by every individual providing a better outcome by teams. This is something I will ensure I consider in future teams.
Increased self-discipline. As levels of education increase learning becomes increasingly independent. However, being online provides that temptation to ‘hide’ from responsibility with no face-to-face interaction to provide motivation.
Time management. This project has refined my time management ability alongside additional assignments. This has allowed the team to remain regular communication and no issues from external commitments. Time management has always been a key skill of mine however in previous experiences to a fault leading to unnecessary stress.
Brewer, E.C. and Holmes, T.L., 2016. Better communication= better teams: A communication exercise to improve team performance. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 59(3), pp.288-298.
Nydegger, R. and Nydegger, L., 2010. Challenges in managing virtual teams. Journal of Business & Economics Research (JBER), 8(3).