This entry will look at Metro Banks website usability discussing various factors.
Enhanced organisation to locate information –
Yes. Metro have enhanced the website particularly the initial landing page. The website is laid out much like a mobile application with a collapsible menu listing functions from current accounts to mortgages. On the sites home page FAQ’s are one of the first things available to help resolve customer queries. The home page also includes contact methods, location of banks and reviews etc.
Page layout is consistent across all pages –
Yes. From business to personal and from current accounts to business loans all pages follow the same layout and style.
Embedded text links are underlined and well formed –
Yes. Depending on which area of the site you access you will see phrases like “Here’s a list of what you need” or “Here’s a guide to …” These links aim at improving customers experience and prevent the need for waiting in call queues or visiting a physical branch.
Navigational elements (bars, menu’s, tab’s) are consistently positioned and formatted across all pages –
Yes. The only change between pages is the body and the content. Menu’s, Headers and Footers all remain the same.
Offers a breadcrumb trail –
Yes. Metro has links to internal pages that may be relevant to a site visitor moving them through without having to put a lot of energy into the process.
Offers a site map –
Yes. The site map is available on the home page of both the personal and business banking pages.
Offers a clickable table of contents and top of page links for long pages –
Yes. Or as everyone else refers to it the header’s menu is available across the site for navigation. An anchor to the top of the page is not available in the desktop view however in mobile form less and less relevant with that being a built in capability.
Uses adaptive framework to determine device used –
Yes. The site fits any devices screen as it should without additional horizontal scrolling. The site also adapts based on your browser and device to initialise appropriate viewing settings particularly important for any pop-ups such as a cookies warning.
Pages are kept short to avoid vertical scrolling –
No. This is not an issue as the majority of users now use there smartphone and so the usability of scrolling is extremely easy and wouldn’t hinder a customers experience.
Uses a splash image –
No. Splash images are no longer appropriate the focus on a website capturing attention revolves around speed. if a website does not load in under 3 seconds you are more likely to lose traffic. A splash image while loading takes place is not appropriate for a banks website.
How easy is it to access the sites search feature –
The search button is available on all pages across the site in the top right hand corner.
Offers online or downloadable forms –
Yes. There are forms for registration, switching and loans etc all available online.
Writing is easily readable and consistent –
Yes. The content is clear and consistent and all information is relevant to the pages
Sufficient contrast between text and background –
Yes. The majority of the writhing is black text on white backgrounds to make the information clear.
Uses bullet points and numbering to organise related information –
Yes. Where products are discussed in detail bullet points are in use.
Easy to read font in use –
Yes. As a bank they need to ensure all customers can easily read the information available.
Colour scheme supports site message –
Colour scheme supports the banks branding and is used an appropriate amount.
Images and media are used only to support site message –
Yes. The site uses vectors and small images to break up the text and make it easier to consume.