Welcome post featuring Game of thrones

Case Study/SKY, DDB & G.o.T
As my first post I would like to start with a short blog about Game of thrones and a case study which exposes the truths about brandwatch and analytics.
Summary of Case study
With the premiere of season 4 of Game of thrones approaching the case study discusses how SKY in New Zealand used Brandwatch Analytics to gain the more attention and reach out to potential audience.
The campaign reached out to 43 million people in 168 countries and also recorded over 800,000 interactions on social media. DDB’s goal was to connect to exisitng fans and get them talking on social media with themes and current topics most talked about on the popular tv show, using this to attract new fans as they would eventually see and read about it from friends. The threads would eventually become so big that even people who did not know about the show might even become fans over night.
What DDB found was King Joffrey being the main talking point during the end of season 3, a mutual hatred was conceived and they used this. The agency created a 7 metre high statue of King Joffrey with a rope and a winch round his neck, and this statue was placed in a prime location Aotea square, this large public space in Auckland is often used for open-air concerts, markets and, ratherfittingly, political rallies.
A livestream was trasmitted and the result was Australasia’s largest live stream in history.
The Goal
“With the start of Game of Thrones (GoT) season 4, SKY saw an opportunity to promote its paid channel SoHo to current SKY subscribers and to sign up new subscribers to SKY.”
The Challenge
“While Game of Thrones enjoys a high awareness, the audience SKY needed to reach had previously dismissed the show as ‘not for them’. DDB knew this group was likely to ignore G.o.T related advertising on traditional channels”
The Solution
“Appealing to existing fans was clearly not the primary goal of the project, but there was a good reason to target this group. The momentum behind these fans’ excitement about the start of the new season was perfectly suited to generating the attention of those who weren’t fans yet”
The takeaways
  • Brandwatch analytics is a powerful tool
  • Non traditional and inventive campaigns are risky but the rewards can be high
  • Digital media is a vast open world full of endless oppurtunities








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