BOOK RELEASE: The Political Appropriation of the Muslim Body: Islamophobia, Counter-Terrorism Law and Gender

In April 2021, “The Political Appropriation of the Muslim Body: Islamophobia, Counter-Terrorism Law and Gender” by Professor Susan Edwards of the University of Buckingham was published. For those interested in guantanamo and looking to deepen their knowledge, Chapter 6: ‘US Counter-Terror “Law” and the Chronicles of Torture’ demonstrates how torture has come to symbolise American “exceptionalism” where executive power is out of control. The chapter concludes by considering the impact this state terrorism and its ever-continuing presence in memory and celluloid has on the psyche and identity of Iraqi people, Muslims and right-thinking people everywhere. This chapter can be bought for £19.95 via the link below.

US Counter-Terror Law and the “Chronicles of Torture” | SpringerLink

Generally, the book examines the Muslim female body and the Muslim male body as gendered sites of political struggle. It draws upon law, politics, sociology and gender studies to explore the ways in which the Muslim body is stereotyped, interrogated, appropriated and demonised in Western societies. Chapters explore a range of issues including Western legislation and foreign policy against the ‘Other’, orientalism, Islamophobia, masculinity, the intersection of gender with nationalism and questions about diversity, inclusion, religious freedom, citizenship and identity.

Latifa Akay, Director of Education at Maslaha and trustee at the Inclusive Mosque Initiative writes ““In this powerful and far-reaching analysis, Edwards charts how the dehumanisation and essentialising of Muslim communities historically has paved the way to the manifold denial of fundamental rights and diminishing of Muslim lives that we see today. Essential reading for anyone interested in how the unconscionable Islamophobia we see in media, state policy, legislation and popular culture has come to be so frighteningly normalised.”

In the current global climate of increased nationalism, right-wing politics and Islamophobia, works such as this are of paramount importance for both professionals and non-experts. It can be purchased from the link below. 

What is Guantanamo Bay? How can you help?

For some in Britain, Guantanamo Bay is a recognizable phrase with little significance, perhaps relating to an action film or used colloquially – “this was the Guantanamo of placements.” Admittedly, until recently the phrase meant rather little to me. The explanations I heard on occasion throughout my youth were so dystopian and unimaginable my subconscious had obviously rendered it fiction. And on the other side of ignorance, you have those for whom prioritizing Guantanamo Bay doesn’t quite make the cut, falling behind the trials and tribulations of our everyday life.

In short, Guantanamo Bay is a military prison in Cuba set up by the Bush administration in the wake of 9/11 and the genesis of the ‘war on terror.’ It is used as an “island outside the law” to hold suspected terrorists and enemies of the US. It has been there for nearly two decades, but America first seized the land in 1898. Many of the detainees are innocent, did not have a fair trial and are subject to gross human rights abuses like torture and inhumane conditions. Forced feedings, humiliation, imprisonment in cages and sensory deprivation are said to be commonplace. Since 2002, around 800 men, mostly Muslims, have been held there, with 39 prisoners remaining. The camp truly represents the darkest capabilities of the human species.

Why does Cuba tolerate it?

Besides disbelief, you might be thinking ‘why does Cuba put up with it?’ Legally, Cuba was forced to grant the US a permanent lease to the land in 1903 but has since demanded the US return the base on a number of occasions. In essence, however, there is nothing they can do about it. Cuban armed forces simply do not have the power to drive out one of the biggest militaries in the world. The base is a constant reminder of America’s dark heart, imperialism, and abuse of unfettered power.

How can you help?

Like many global issues, (climate change, coronavirus, world hunger and government corruption- to name just a few), it can be disheartening to think about how on earth to go about tackling them. The trick is to take it bit by bit. Just by telling those around you about Guantanamo, you are spreading awareness. And for those that have time, going to a protest represents one more person insisting the UK government put pressure on the US to close Guantanamo. For released prisoners, for the families of detainees, it represents one more person’s support. You can sign petitions such as ‘Close Guantanamo’ and join societies like Amnesty International and Guantanamo Justice Campaign. You can write to your MP, urge Joe Biden or Boris Johnson, or encourage your local independent cinema to screen ‘The Mauritanian’ – a film about Guantanamo. Doing just one of these things makes a difference. In the words of historian and anarchist Howard Zinn, “small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can quietly become a power no government can suppress, a power that can transform the world.”

Read about how British resident Omar Deghayes survived Guantanamo

Watch this Vigil against Guantanamo in Brighton 2021

Come to see the Mauritanian at Lewes Depot

Come to a vigil run by Lewes Amnesty and Brighton Uni Amnesty Society (6th Nov 2021)


Come to a protest outside Parliament (8th Jan 2022)
