What Are My Chances of Getting a University Place Through Clearing in 2024?

Clearing is an opportunity for you to find a suitable course and university, even if your initial plans didn’t work out. But what are the chances of actually securing a university place through this process? Let’s delve into the details and see what’s changed over the last 12 months. In this post, we will cover:… Continue Reading What Are My Chances of Getting a University Place Through Clearing in 2024?

What Happens If You Don’t Meet the Entry Requirements for University?

Going to university is a big decision and it’s important to carefully consider your options. One important factor to keep in mind is meeting the university entry requirements. If you don’t meet these requirements or you’re worried about your A-level results it’s natural to feel concerned and a little unsure about what will happen. In… Continue Reading What Happens If You Don’t Meet the Entry Requirements for University?