“Less Is More: Minimalism In Fashion” – Harriet Walker

To gain a better understanding of the history behind Minimalism I read the book “Less Is More : Minimalism In Fashion” by Harriet Walker.

Page 165, taught me that minimalism is not just a change of trends, but has also been developed by social, political and economical movements. “Consumers have less money to spend on clothing is obvious; that they wish to spend it on pieces that will not date quickly is logical.”

“Not only did consumers want and need durable, timeless pieces, but also they were under instructions from the style press to reform their shopping habits: to shun so called “fast fashion” and purchase pieces ethically, to be willing to spend a little more for a better quality item that would last longer and cost less in terms of natural resources, waste and pollution.”

This has highlighted to me the importance that we purchase and wear clothing that is more practical and timeless. I will research further into the effects of fast fashion and how my fashion brand can help prevent further issues.

Page 115 explains how Japanese designer Helmut Lang’s designs in the 1990’s were “ a way of life”, clothes that will take men and women through their working day. See photos below:

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