Can digital marketing provide a sustained competitive advantage? I’m not so sure.

Digital marketing is described as a way of communicating a message to customers using an online platform.  This blog will look into whether digital marketing strategies can give companies a competitive advantage and if they can sustain this over their competitors.

Michael Porter described a competitive advantage as an advantage over competitors either by differentiation, cost or focus (Porter, 2008). But with most companies having some form of digital marketing presence in this new era, what sets apart your company from your competitors and how do you ensure they don’t copy you?

(Earley, 2014) discusses how firms must leverage new digital marketing tools and approaches faster than others in the same industry, creating differentiated value for the customer. So for example, Hotmail was one of the earliest to use viral digital marketing by inserting the tagline ‘Get your free e-mail at Hotmail’. This differentiated them from other email providers and Hotmail signed up 12 million users in 18 months  (Jurvetson & Draper, 1997).

However, since then many companies have jumped onto the viral marketing bandwagon perhaps doing it bigger and better than hotmail suggesting their competitive advantage has not been sustained. For example the Red Bull space jump.

In an interview with  (Bell, 2013) Rita McGraph goes so far to say there is no such thing as sustained competitive advantage anymore only transient competitive advantage. I believe that statement is a bit drastic but in the world of digital marketing it is certainly true that sustained competitive advantage is hard to achieve due to low barriers to entry, increasing knowledge and the ease of copying.

So this brings me back to the original question of how can digital marketing be used as a sustained competitive advantage. I’ve come up with the following list which is designed to help companies stay one step ahead of the digital marketing crowd. (With a little help from (Earley, 2004) and  (Singla & Durga, 2015))

– Be pro-active in searching out new and better ways of digital marketing

– Don’t be afraid to take a risk, it could work out as a barrier to entry for competitors

– Transform the whole digital marketing approach. Don’t use the same processes with new software as software is easily copied.

– Apply new approaches to the context of the company. An approach which is tailored is harder to copy.

To summarise, this blog has identified that digital marketing strategies can give companies a short term competitive advantage but competitors are likely to follow suit.


Bell, G., 2013. The end of the strategy world as we know it? Rita Gunther McGrath on how sustainable competitive advantage may be a thing of the past: an interview with Rita Gunther McGrath, Columbia Business School, USA. Strategic Direction, Vol.29(No. 8), pp. Pg. 37-40.

Earley, S., 2014. The Digital Transformation: Staying Competitive. IT Professional, Vol.16(No. 2), pp. Pg. 58-60.

Jurvetson & Draper, 1997. Viral Marketing: Viral Marketing phenomenon explained.. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 5th March 2015].

Porter, M., 2008. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. 1st ed ed. New York: Simon and Schuster.

Singla, M. & Durga, A., 2015. How Social Media Gives You Competitive Advantage. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.8(No. 4), pp. Pg. 90-95.



Are companies respecting Digital Marketing manners/netiquette?

A report by Gartner has found that digital marketing spend is predicted to increase 17% in 2015 showing just how popular it has become (Gartner, 2015). This blog will explore whether in some cases, companies are going too far with their digital marketing approach and will consumers find it intrusive?

I believe digital marketing should integrate seamlessly into consumer’s lives by understanding them and their behaviours.

Let’s take Dorothy Perkins for example.

I have received a marketing email from them every day for the last 6 days. After reading the first one, the subsequent emails got sent straight to the trash folder.


They have tweeted 8 times within the space of 24 hours with content that doesn’t grab my attention and their Facebook page is no different.

The impact of this is that they’ve clogged up my timeline, newsfeed and inbox and I would definitely describe this as intrusive.

In contrast, let’s look at a success story, Asos. I receive fewer marketing emails but each one seems to have a purpose which encourages me to open it, read it, click through and sometimes purchase. Admittedly they do tweet a lot but this doesn’t interrupt my online activities as the content is interesting, includes media and is relevant to me, their target audience. An example:


So what are the consequences of too much digital marketing? Academic research by (Smith, 2011) has found that messages that interrupt a consumer’s online activity may create ill feeling towards the brand. Although dated, more research by (Hairong, et al., 2002) shows that if consumers have feelings of irritation by a brands online presence this will limit the flow of positive messages.  This contradicts directly with the purpose of digital marketing to promote products and services using digital distribution channels.

Also, taking history as an example; look at direct mail, now referred to as ‘junk mail’ and ignored by almost every consumer out there. So by ignoring digital marketing netiquette and becoming intrusive, do companies run the risk of

So how can companies understand digital marketing manners and insure they do not become intrusive? Companies need to evolve to a more thoughtful and creative way of digital marketing and think of quality over quantity.

This blog was inspired by a conclusion drawn from an event hosted by Digital Annexe at DA University (The Drum, 2015).


Campaign, 2013. Digital marketing is ‘invasive and annoying’, study claims. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 12th February 2015].

Gartner, 2015. Budgeting for 2015? Expect the unexpected.. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 12th February 2015].

Hairong, L., Edwards, S. & Lee, J.-H., 2002. Measuring the Intrusiveness of Advertisements:Scale Development and Validation. Journal of Advertising, Vol.31(No. 2), pp. Pg. 37-47.

Smith, K., 2011. Digital marketing strategies that Millennials find appealing, motivating,or just annoying. Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 19(No.6), pp. Pg. 489-499.

The Drum, 2015. Too much digital marketing remains intrusive says Havas Media’s Amy Kean at DA University. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 12th February 2015].