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Tech Radar: audit of a company website


Tech radar is a online publication that focuses on technology, this mainly focuses on technology reviews with editorial teams in US, UK, Australia and India. it provides news and reviews of tech products, it was initially launched in 2008. Tech radar is owned by Future plc which is the sixth-largest publisher in the United Kingdom. They also provide a link for consumers to purchase the product as well as video reviews of various tech products.


Website analysis
The role of the website is in its mission statement which is “the source for tech buying advice”. what this means is that it will help individuals chose what tech product they will purchase by giving further information on the product they chose and its competitors. it highlights the key advantages and disadvantages of the selected products helping you pick which product is more suited for your use. where this website will be useful is when you are picking out a smart phone as it has many articles with extensive research easy to read for the everyday consumer so that they can make up their mind. what they have up on the site is pros and cons as well as the price of the product to help make up your mind, they will even have link websites where this can be purchased with the cheapest option showing up first.

so, on the website navigation bar they have 9 options which are shortcuts to get to the part of the website you want to go. the first option is reviews, here they have reviews of products related to tech from what chair to buy to what components you should buy for your computer. for Technology reviews it is described as “You can trust our in-depth technology reviews to help you buy the best product for your needs. Read our reviews guarantee to find out why”. this is the most important part of the site.

Target market

Their target market is obviously people interest in tech products, this is specifically for people who want to know more about a product before buying. The site will compare the product the consumer wants to buy with similar products such as smartphones, they will also go in-depth with products that recently released and not yet available to purchase. visit their Youtube channel to see product reviews of the latest tech.




Tech radar have many competitors as they are an online publication that focuses on technology which in this current time seems to be a trend, this may be due to technology being on the rise. A quick search for technology publication on google analytics shows that they have many competitors. The top five are as follows the verge at number on as of 2018 closely followed by wired next is c-net and last Gizmodo. These are all websites similar to TechRadar.

however, TechRadar is the only one that is based in United Kingdom. The verge had the best interface with flashy text as well as animated features. the verge has differently spent a lot of time and money into developing there which could be why they are top searched when you look at tech news.


Texts you will read to support your work

See guidance in module handbook:

Full reference of texts Reason chosen
Chaffey, D. (2013) ‘e-customers’, in eMarketing excellence: planning and optimizing your digital marketing. 4th ed. Abingdon: Routledge.


Hoffman, D. L. and Novak, T. P. (2009) ‘Flow Online: Lessons Learned and Future Prospects’, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 23(1), pp. 23–34. doi: 10.1016/j.intmar.2008.10.003.


Hernandez, A. and Resnick, M. L. (2013) ‘Placement of Call to Action Buttons for Higher Website Conversion and Acquisition: An Eye Tracking Study’, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 57(1), pp. 1042–1046. doi: 10.1177/1541931213571232.


Fuchs, C. (2014) Social media: a critical introduction. London: SAGE.


Dotson, J. P. et al. (2017) ‘Brand Attitudes and Search Engine Queries’, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 37, pp. 105–116. doi: 10.1016/j.intmar.2016.10.002.
















This source was used for research, we needed to see how to look at customer retention which was a key part of our research. Also, this had key insights into planning which was needs as we had not done a marketing campaign before.


This source was used to help us with the design process for the campaign. This was important because we did not know how current websites are designed for a better user experience.


This source was used to help us in the design process in which it shows how the titles will help better highlight key information for the consumer.


This source was used to see how social media influence is very useful and powerful especially for new businesses. This looks at how busies in London use social media to draw big communities instead of having to pay large amounts of money to advertise on television.

This source was used to assess how consumer attitudes directly related to the search engine and its queries. So, what it looks at is the digital marketing concepts affecting consumer attitudes.



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