Jodie Elliot if a female photographer who is mainly interested within taking images in a
photojournalism style. “Manchester is, and always has been, a hotbed of inspiration” – and recent photography graduate Jodie Elliott couldn’t agree more. For her final, and ongoing, project, “In Bloom”, the London born Manchester School of Arts alumnus explains her idea to shoot young Mancunian men came after she snapped her friend, Alec, smoking in his bedroom.  “Traditionally men have always photographed
women. But for me the female gaze interests me because, as a female, I find beauty in masculinity but I’m also drawn in by many other factors too, such as personality, and I like to capture it in many different forms,” she says. “I think the way women
photograph men is much softer, and we see them in a different way – so we capture them from our own perspective.” Shooting analogue and drawn to each of her subjects for varying reasons, Elliott says there’s one common thread that brings them together. “I think it’s more of an unconscious attraction. I’m inspired by adolescence, and the awkwardness of being young. Youth culture is something that is a constant inspiration to me, as well as memories of being a teenager. I just turned 24, and I still don’t feel like an adult!” I think a project like this could easily be communicated into
Brighton life with a series called ‘Brighton Boys.’ I completely understand the way women photograph men is very different there is a much softer approach and this is communicated I think through the use of film cameras. They have a
certain feel and quality to the images. Her work reminds me of the series called ‘Boys by Girls’ I love this idea and would love to if I have time to translate this into my own series of portraits for my final major.