Drawing Out
spatial narratives of politics, sustainability, environment
Date: 15th December 2023
Time: 11.00-16.00 (meet 10.50 Grand Parade Foyer)
Location: The Waste House, Grand Parade, University of Brighton
Map: https://www.brighton.ac.uk/about-us/contact-us/maps/brighton-maps/city-campus.aspx
A day of conversation organised by the University of Brighton: Experimental Design Practices REG and Design for Circular Cities and Regions REG and the Bartlett, UCL.
Work in progress sequential presentations of maximum 15 minutes
11.00 Pete
11.15 Sebastian
11.30 Stefan
12.00 Lynn
12.30 Round table discussion (coffee provided)
13.00 Lunch (Grand Parade Café/individual arrangements)
Work in progress sequential presentations of maximum 15 minutes
14.00 Vanessa
14.15 Issac
14.30 Joy
15.00 Terry
15.30 round table discussion
16.00 Reflection on the day, close 16.30
Proposed outcomes:
A small digital publication of abstracts with a summary of shared conclusions.