Welcome everyone!

According to the World Health Organisation, the number of people living with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) has increased from 108 million to 422 million within 34 years.(1) The incidence of T2DM in middle to low income countries has increased substantially which may be due to a lack of education focusing on preventing and treating the disease. The importance of implementing a healthy lifestyle can benefit prevent T2DM, exercise can  be an inexpensive alternative.


The aims of our website:

1) To bring awareness to confirm that exercising has demonstrated positive results ( scientific research to suggest exercise can help reduce the symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes)

2) In current society, pharmaceutical medications are presumed the only effective treatment whereas exercise can be just as effective as a treatment plan

3) Almost 80% of the NHS (National Health Service) is spent on treating complication that arise from diabetes.(2) Exercise may be one of the interventions that can help the NHS save money

Team Member Profiles:

The endurance exercise page authored by Imirene Quenane will specifically characterise the benefits for instance improvement in health and quality of life in patients as they age. Endurance exercise has long been considered beneficial in the treatment procedures for patients living with type 2 diabetes, a non-insulin-dependent form of diabetes. Endurance training has been recognized by many Prevention Programs Agencies as the best type of exercise, this form of exercising has been shown positive effects as treatment in Type 2 diabetes patients, recently introduced by The Diabetes Prevention Programs as a design type of exercising in efforts to reduce daily physical difficulties in patients that suffer from such as movement restrictions.

Hello, I’m Tina a second-year biomedical science student. Two year ago, my dad was at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus, therefore spreading awareness about simple ways to prevent or treat diabetes it is very important to me. Luckily he has decreased his risk by making a few lifestyle changes. On my page I will exploring the effect of HIIT on T2DM individuals. I choose HIIT because it is a very versatile exercise regimen with the session being very short and very effective.

Hi, I’m Aarabhi a second-year biomedical science student. The increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus is an issue that could be prevented with the right resources and education, simple steps such as a diet change and exercise can help. Diabetes type 2 is a personal topic to me, as I have family and close relatives suffering from it. Resistance training can be beneficial and accessible to people of all ages, gender and size. Find out more detail on my page.

 Hi, I am Janani Vijeyakumar and as a second year biomedical student we have created a website outlining importance of exercise with Type 2 Diabetes. As my mother has Type 2 Diabetes I am aware of risks and how to manage and treat it. However there is still a large population who are unaware of the rising epidemic. Therefore my page will be highlighting the background information and how to manage/prevent Type 2 Diabetes. Click here for more information.

Reference List:

  1. Diabetes [Internet]. Who.int. 2018 [cited 13 December 2019]. Available from: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/diabetes
  2. Us, diabetes and a lot of facts and stats [Internet]. Diabetes.org.uk. 2019 [cited 13 December 2019]. Available from: https://www.diabetes.org.uk/resources-s3/2019-02/1362B_Facts%20and%20stats%20Update%20Jan%202019_LOW%20RES_EXTERNAL.pdf
  3. Image 1: https://www.florence-health.com/specialties/diabetes/the-5-most-impactful-diabetes-studies-from-2019/
  4. Image 2: https///www.chrisviolapr.com/exercise-and-mental-health/
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