Hastings Exchange

A knowledge exchange supported by the University of Brighton

Education Forum – ‘How can Schools and Communities work together to improve outcomes for young people?’

Friday 20th November, 9.15-12.45pm

Ark Helenswood Academy, The Ridge, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 2AF

Book by 16 November – email A.Callaghan2@brighton.ac.uk

The Hastings Exchange, Education Futures Trust and  Hastings Community Network are holding a joint forum to look at the question: ‘How can schools and communities work together to improve outcomes for young people?’

Forums are designed to bring together different forms of knowledge, from practitioners, community members and academics, to look at issues that are important in the town and to work together to identify solutions. While we know that schools, parents, academics and partners are all concerned to improve outcomes for young people the spaces for working together are often difficult to find. Some voluntary organisations in the town that support children and families often have little contact with schools, while academics who research in this area often struggle to share their research with those that might make the best use of it.

This forum aims to highlight the work of the town’s voluntary and community sector, relevant research from the university and hear and respond to the needs and concerns of schools, young people and their parents.

The event is free and parents, professionals and community members are particularly encouraged to attend. Community organisations are invited to bring information with them and will be offered a stand at registration to display these and to talk about their work.

View the programme for the day here

There will be refreshments throughout and the event will end with a networking buffet lunch. For bookings please contact A.Callaghan2@brighton.ac.uk no later than 16 November.

As this event is taking place in a school building whilst students are there, everyone attending must have booked in advance.


Abi Callaghan • October 7, 2015

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