Macro Trends – Plastic Ocean

Similarly to ‘NurtureNature’, with the idea that we have to start caring for the planet, nature and to stop abusing their resources. With this trend, however, the focus is more on the ocean and how it is being used as a dumping ground for plastic; not only is it generally disrespectful and hazardous, but it affects marine life. For example it is predicted that by 2050 (that’s only 33 years away), “there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish” (1).

However, we are beginning to see this plastic being used in fashion; Parley are a creative organisation that collaborate to raise awareness for, and help clean up the oceans (2). One of their collaborations with Adidas used ocean plastic to create a material that was then made into running shoes, with this advancing to a project making swimwear (3). Whilst this is hopeful for the oceans, is it really enough to clean up the mess and destruction we have caused? With this trend, I believe the focus will be on clearing up what we have already done, but possibly more importantly, it will focus on preventing more destruction in the oceans for the use of fashion.




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