The main issue that I faced with my project at this time was that I did not have the ability to go into charity shops and explore them to find some really interesting items. For the time being I started to look at online charity shops for the garments that I felt particularly drawn to, but it was much harder to get inspired without being able to really examine what was in-front of me. I still managed to create a few things using this method, as well as using my own objects that I had previously accumulated from charity shops. One issue I have been facing is a lack of inspiration, creating works of items and clothes that I am already surrounded by day in day out. Saying this I haven’t given up ons this idea at all, I a just trying to roll with the days and try to work with what I feel inspired by the most on these days- sometimes that is drawing/painting objects and items, sometimes its people and sometimes it’s different outfits that I or other people I am living with have been wearing during the lockdown. I am planning to put these individual pieces together into bigger posters. This is just to make sure that I am constantly creating things and that I don’t get stuck on anything for too long which is a trap I have fallen into quite a bit recently. One problem I had also faced was that I was either creating work purely digitally, or physically which isn’t something I am used to. I try very much to use digital and physical elements to my work which did become quite frustrating up until I bought a scanner to use- and since then I have noticed a massive difference to my motivation and productivity which will be showcased in the posts to follow.