Changing my Idea.

It’s got to the stage in this project where I just do not have any passion for what I’m doing at the moment. I think doing my FMP alongside thinking about my portfolio and my style as an artist has made me want to be much more experimental and creative. The reason why I don’t think my current idea to rebrand the Love Your Clothes camping is because although the design style isn’t necessarily to my taste, I believe that it is to the taste of who they are aiming the campaign at. I have identified their TM as (without being stereotypical) mainly women 25+- who more than likely are mothers  who already have an interesting crafts and DIY. I’ve drawn this conclusion based on- the design of their website and instagram, along with the humour that can be seen on Love Your Clothes instagram. The information that is given on the website involves a lot of crafty activities, or washing hacks that are quite time consuming, there is also a lot of information and articles around children’s clothing etc. Where I do think all of this information is very important and useful, I want to create work that is exciting and fun and the work that I have done for LYC so far has been very vibrant and I don’t think it would translate well to an older audience. It would have been a good idea for me to maybe filter and translate the information that is relevant to young people to a younger audience, but I think this would require a lot more market research which I have already spent so much time on. I think I am at the stage now where I need to be creating artworks that I am happy with to help. my motivation and consistency as well as to help with my own mood and general mindset. To summarise I have just really lost the passion for this project and although I know that in industry I couldn’t just stop doing a project, I really want to end my time at uni with a project thatI’m really proud of.

My new idea still follows closely the values that I shared with Love Your Clothes, but I am just simplifying how I communicate it. The reason I wanted to rebrand Love Your Clothes is to make sustainable fashion exciting and appealing. The easiest, cheapest and most ethical way to shop sustainably in my opinion is to shop in charity shops. So after talking with Chris, we decided that I would make 1 poster a day that displayed/ promoted the unique curiosities that can be found in charity shops. One of my strengths within fashion communication is layouts so I think it would be a good idea for my to showcase this for my final project. This new idea also gives my the freedom to really experiment with countless mediums, and creating one artwork a day is a really good way to keep me focused and motivated. After this dip I am feeling much more motivated about this new idea as it will be much more hands on. I thin the target for my audience will be younger people aged 16-25, so I will need to do some research into the type of visuals that this audience would respond the best too. I am going to consider this idea almost as a campaign for LYC to encourage young people to shop, or at leats browse in charity shops- as this way none of my research will go to waste.

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