I began to conduct my own studies into data collection. I wanted to record how many times I saw adverts for fast fashion brands compared to sustainable brands on instagram and real life. I wanted to do this to visualise how much people are exposed to unsustainable brands compared to sustainable ones. The only problem with this was it was quite time consuming, I couldn’t just spend hours looking through Instagram in the hunt for adverts, but then I also would forget if I didn’t purposely look for them. So I then wanted to think about other ways I could accumulate data, I just googled ‘H&M article’ and started to read articles that were published about H&M. I wanted to do this because they have recently released a ‘green denim’ style camping, and I personally found it quite ironic. I wanted the study to illustrate that for every article that painted H&M in a positive light, there was 20 that did the opposite. I had to sort each article into set categories, it was quite difficult to decide on this for every category. I also came across some issues in terms of timeframe, I needed to decide the time frame of which I wanted to look at articles from. I decided on the 5 year mark, but this also bought up a problem of how I was going to access, and read every single article that had been written about H&M in the past 5 years. I got very bored very quickly collecting this type of numerical data.
I then went back to thinking about my project as a whole. The main thing I want to do is persuade people not to buy new denim, the main reason being, people do not need new denim. I was thinking about ways to communicate why denim is a want, not a need, but still sticking to a very instagramable format. I have decided I definitely want to create an installation piece using denim, to communicate this. I also would like there to be a comedic element, to ease the mood of such a big subject.
One of the issues from my last project was that I wasn’t making work for anyone. I didn’t decide ‘who’ my work was going to be for which I think I would find really useful. I’m also conscious of showcasing my work in a commercial environment for my portfolio. Emma recommended me to look at the charity ‘love your clothes’, a charity that shares similar aims to me surrounding denim. I think I want to create this piece for this brand, alongside promotional material and a website. my next steps are to do some brand research into this charity and it’s ‘competitors’. I have also put out a survey asking people what objects/ products that they believe t be pointless.