Video Experiments for Portal Instagram’s BTS

Here is my first outcome of BTS for Instagram. I kept it short to 10 seconds as I wanted to capture the audience without spoiling the content, I don’t believe the music goes therefore I need to look into other effects for the background. Also, maybe better in black and white following on from the feed aesthetic of the build-up of the tension of what’s coming.

Reflection on Film shoot day

Today we got some really good clips and stills of model: Orlando at Hove beach for our fashion film. Though it was super cold, we managed to get Orlando in the water and out again without catching frostbite!

I am really pleased with the outcome of today, as we got a lot of content. Naturally, our concept had changed a bit whilst filming as the initial idea of having him strip off seemed to not go with the message we were trying to send. We also found that the clips we filmed of him putting on and off his clothes looked too sexual and Baywatch like rather than an abstracted clip we had hoped for. Therefore we changed how we filmed the material and clothes and used the water which created a really nice visual.

As VP I was contributing to filming shots for the film as well as behind the scenes, which I will further edit and upload to Instagram.

Self Directed Study

Today I have taught myself how to transform audio into a visualization effect in After Effects. I highly recommend this simple, easy to follow youtube video by Tutvid explaining the entire process in just under 10 minutes. He taught me how to transform sound into your desired waveform, creating a really lovely visual- for my purpose I will be using it to go alongside a video / or still image.

I decided to learn this technique after being inspired by posts from DNA magazine, whose use this visualization effect on their Instagram. The clean simple design is a perfect way of re-instating valuable interviews that camera quality doesn’t match the audio and therefore isn’t fit for posting.

Click the link below to be redirected to DNA Instagram feed to see the success of the posts I am referring to:

Self Directed Study

Following this video, I learnt how to add a gif on top of an image in Photoshop. Though it was very frustrating to learn at first and has taken me the whole morning, I finally managed to do it and it will be seen in the ‘coming soon’ videos I’m currently editing for the PORTALL magazine Instagram page…

Click the link below to download my outcome.


Lockdown Facetime Shoot BTS


Despite another lockdown causing implications to our usual working environment and resources, I’ve found a way to capture content for our evolving magazine. With the task of creating an ident for our Magazine, I used facetime as a tool for videoing our targeted audience of all generations. Whilst they were on facetime I directed the models (My Grandma, Grandad and two cousins) through what I wanted them to do in order to get the film, whilst they did this I screen recorded my screen to make it easier for them to follow directions. Here is a behind the scenes of the film in progress…



This is my first ident outcome, I haven’t before made any type of film so it was my first time playing around with editing film, cropping and altering clips. Though it is a good first experiment, we decided as a group that the film didn’t represent us as a magazine and didn’t have a clear enough message.


*NOTE TO SELF* The video content and style of edit really like, It’s visually effective and leaves you feeling calm with the background music, I like how mismatch and random it is, remember this idea of using small clips to combine for a finished film piece in the future for our magazine.