Other brands people buy sportswear from include; Ryder Wear, Under Armour, Asos, Sweaty Betty, Women’s Best, USA Pro, ASDA, Bo and Tee, Reebok, Karimoor.
The most common answer for this seemed to be price, quality, comfortability and functionality.
These 4 most common answers will be used to inform the focus of my sportswear brand.
Again, functionality and durability seemed to be the most common answers which individuals who bought their sportswear based on performance reasons were looking for!
The majority answer for this question was that people didn’t look into whether a brand was sustainable or not but if they were it was an added bonus! Is this because people aren’t fully educated to the extent to which brands that aren’t sustainable are affecting our world? – Could my company not only produce more sustainability-conscious clothes but also educate consumers at the same time?