Though I’m not sure yet if this will be used for the purpose of the Ident- it may be used for part of the magazine’s content for socials? I’m quite proud of the outcome I have made as it is only my second attempt at creating a film.
Month: November 2020
Keeping Productive During a Second Lockdown Reflection
I’m finding it really hard to keep motivated since the majority of our work is online this year, especially creating content for our current editorial as were restricted on how we can carry out things that would be easy like photoshoots/interviews. It’s conflicting because you want to create something high spec like the previous year’s editorials, but with a concept like ours that is hugely people-orientated, it’s tough.
I’m the visual promoter in our team, and currently trying to think of innovative ways to get concept-related imagery to put on our Instagram. So far we haven’t got anything up and running as I’m trying to create a ‘coming soon’ short video to post first before the ident.
That’s my current state of mind – a little positive a little apprehensive a little confused on it all.
Lockdown Facetime Shoot BTS
Despite another lockdown causing implications to our usual working environment and resources, I’ve found a way to capture content for our evolving magazine. With the task of creating an ident for our Magazine, I used facetime as a tool for videoing our targeted audience of all generations. Whilst they were on facetime I directed the models (My Grandma, Grandad and two cousins) through what I wanted them to do in order to get the film, whilst they did this I screen recorded my screen to make it easier for them to follow directions. Here is a behind the scenes of the film in progress…
This is my first ident outcome, I haven’t before made any type of film so it was my first time playing around with editing film, cropping and altering clips. Though it is a good first experiment, we decided as a group that the film didn’t represent us as a magazine and didn’t have a clear enough message.