Out of all the projects I have done so far this year, Illustration and Imaging has been my strongest. This may be due to my Graphic Design background and familiarity with design layouts, typography and Adobe Platforms and being able to apply it to this project. Creating the Zine was exciting and fun as I was passionate about the direction of the theme my outcome took. With the starting point of body image, I decided to look at how social media has had a detrimental effect on kids minds injecting negative thoughts which then can lead to mental health issues. I decided to use my zine to send a positive message to its reader. I wanted every page to give the reader reasons to be positive for. This concept was hugely inspired by the book: What a time to be alone, by Chidera Eggiuere. This book acts as a mentor/best friend/individual who the reader can console with as the book answers any doubts/worries they may have with different life scenarios reminding them they are not alone in the feeling it manifests. I decided to do my Zine in typography as throughout the previous projects I’ve identified photography not to be a strong skill of mine and so I wanted to produce something refined and good. Also, I feel as though typography was a good way to emphasise certain quotes. Therefore transferring the skills I learnt at foundation during my Graphic Design classes I opted to do typography. The outcome of my zine is beyond how I initially imagined however in the future if I was to redo it I would consider adding more pages touching upon more areas which people can feel negative about beyond body image. But also, I would consider altering how the book reads by adding a few sentences which lead into the typography quotes that enables the reader to understand why I’m preaching certain quotes/attitudes so it reads more like a personal conversation between the writer and reader. I do feel as though the colour palette of my zine could have been stretched further as typical connotations of positivity in terms of colour would be every bright colour not restricted down to a few. However that said, if I was to create more pages of the Zine then I would incorporate more colours as I went along. The element of binding which was a requirement in this project I found difficult so to overcome this when I went to print my final zine I ensured I printed the pages on A4 on double spreads so that as I folded it to A5 the pages were in the correct order. Though this may have been more longwinded then having just printed the pages off individually and binding, I found it more suited to my working style. In future projects based on my success with this last one, I will consider doing more typography graphic design based outcomes which focus more computer-generated designs. I particularly like doing layouts so maybe I could consider doing the editorial layouts/social media content/ poster design outcomes in future projects.