Reflection on Project

Looking back at this project identifying my own strengths and weaknesses I have learnt a lot about myself. Overall I think I was successful in my outcome which I produced however notice that in the early stages of the project I was slow at moving and getting things done. This meant that the contents of my project isn’t as condensed as it could have been. Researching is something thats never been my favourite thing to do, therefore I often leave this till last minute- though I need to ensure that in the future I don’t as it will begin to hinder my overall grade if the researching element of the project is not as strong as the outcomes are. In order to change this bad habit and make it into less of a weakness I need to encourage myself to carry out more research- I think by talking to other people and getting their ideas of potential topics to look into it will help the idea of researching be less daunting. Towards the end of this project I also used the St Peters Library more which is something I should of done sooner, as the resources that they have in there are important and is where I found most of my work’s inspiration from but had I have been there sooner I could of had more a selection of outcomes to venture into. I also wasted a lot of time faffing with the presentation of my sketchbook- this next project I am going to try using a folder with wallets in, where I can slip primary and secondary research into it as it means I haven’t committed to sticking anything down so if I wanted to change things around/ add more in I wouldn’t been restricted like as if I was doing a sketchbook. I believe this will be a better way for me to work as it means I will spend less time re-doing my sketchbook/ leaving research out because it doesn’t fit as now I am able to just slot it in and change it at a later date easier If I wanted to. At the beginning of the project I wasn’t spending much time out side of the timetable days dedicated to independent study but I believe this is because I was still settling into my new house and had a few wobbly weeks.
  A strength of mine for this project has been the outcome I produced. I am very proud of it considering there was no direction for what outcome you had to produce. I decided to go for a more graphics idea as it is my strength as opposed to stitching or 3d work. Using skills I have learnt in previous years from graphics I was able to produce my outcome.
  For the future projects to come I am going to learn from the weaknesses of this project as I don’t want to make the same mistake twice- this means using St Peters Library to source my research from and taking initiative when not working in the studio to make sure I am equally as productive outside university as I am in.

Ballet Shoes


This object caught my attention in the Museum of Transology in Brighton.
Initially because of the familiarity of the shoes relevant to my childhood but also because of the personal attachment the owner had with them which after reading drew this automatic connection.