For the next workshop i was looking at developing the photographs i had previously took on the analog camera, i really enjoyed this process as its still all new to me and also offer the opportunity to experiment with looking at different exposures and times in order to create the best possible outcome for the photography to look most effective. Again i have tried to keep the photographs as tropical as possible within the layout of the image.

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The above three images show the experimentation with different exposure time in the dark room, and the process i had to go though in order the achieve the image that worked best to show of the photograph to the best of its ability.

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Here are my two final outcomes to the darkroom process. Im really happy with the quality of these photographs and feel they complement each other really well within relation to the tropical theme of the project.

analog contact sheet

This is the contact sheet of all the images i took on the shoot before starting the development process within the dark room.