Tips for using cookies to advertise tablets on YouTube

You could revolutionise the way you appeal to your consumers and increase the success rates of your marketing techniques. Stay up to date with the latest advancements in marketing technology and discover the power of the cookie…

“Cookies are small text files that are put on users’ devices, such as notebooks or smart phones, to facilitate the functionality of a website …or to collect profile information for targeted advertising)” Smit el al (2014).

Smit et al (2014) outlines a good technique which can help to target an audience more specifically and so is therefore more effective, the technique is ‘Online behavioural advertising’ (OBA). This method uses the data available publicly online, the data is retrieved via cookies on web pages. This would make the advertising more approachable to certain age groups or relatable to people with particular hobbies or interests.

The following image is taken from the Sony Xperia Youtube page, this illustrates what a user would typically view. The subscription section is highly useful for organisations as they can easily track what the user is interested in and implement a marketing strategy which could incorporate these interests. Although organisations would not be able to create individual advertisements for each consumer, the general idea is that they could create advertisements for categories of people, such as a pop singer endorsing the product towards the users identified as ‘pop enthusiasts’ and so on. The organisations can then create more narrow recommendations about related materials.

blog 3 figure 1

Figure 1: Sony. (2015). Sony Xperia Youtube page

You should address the target market by using the information gathered to create a targeted advertisements which would be interesting to that type of consumer. Google. (2015) state…

“Interest-based advertising should help monetize your website more efficiently, increase value for advertisers, and provide a better experience for users.”

Tablet advertisers are not using the video blogging platform YouTube regularly or interestingly, the following examples of current YouTube advertisements will highlight the need to update the video marketing strategies, providing tips for each organisation which can be interpreted on a wider scale.

Examples of current YouTube advertisements

Sony Xperia

Sony. (2015). B-Boy break dance practice with Sony Xperia E3. Good fun made great . The Sony Xperia advertisement illustrated is an advertisement used for the Sony Xperia phone, however the relevance is that the advertisement is targeted. This demonstrates that Sony Xperia are capable of creating a YouTube video which focuses narrowly on the category ‘dance enthusiasts’. A similar advertisement could be created for the tablet as the tablet is capable of playing music. They could use cookies to gain the attention of this category and raise awareness of the product.

  • Create a targetd advertisement for the tablet
  • Use the cookies to recommed the targeted advertisement to relevant viewers of the tablet
  • Create advertisements for more categories of people to raise awareness through a diverse range of interests

Apple Ipad

Apple. (2015). Apple – iPad Air – TV Ad – Chérie’s Verse

Apple’s video is titled “Apple – iPad Air – TV Ad – Chérie’s Verse”, this video allows one user to become involved with the advertisement through creating their own story about the product. By offering an interactive style Apple were able to encourage a more personal connection to the brand. This is an example of successful interaction, Apple gained 811,836 views for their initial advertisement and user generated content will have provided further views. This is evidence that personal connections can be highly influential. Furthering the initial advertisement they could use data collected from cookies to create a “verse” for particular demographics and recommend the video to people who suit the content.


  • Understand the importance of brand interaction
  • Direct the advertisement more narrowly using cookies
  • Provide platforms for users to get more involved

Amazon Fire HD Tablet

Amazon. (2015). Amazon Fire HD Tablets – More Than a Tablet .

The kindle advertisement Amazon Fire HD Tablets – More Than a Tablet was published on 9 Oct 2014. The advertisement is broad, it’s not clear if the advertisement is targeting a specific demographic. Although this is beneficial for a large scale advertisement, this is not particularly memorable nor relevant to anyone. With the advantage of access to above 1 million songs, 40,000 films and TV shows, the tablet could be targeted towards online users who have recently searched for certain genres or categories. Using cookies, a picture can be created about a user, this can then be used by organisations to advertise the tablet directly to them. For example, Kindle could say “watch breaking bad on your Kindle HD fire”, the user would be surprised about the targeted nature as well as interested in the topic of conversation and therefore it would be more memorable.

  • Discover the viewer’s preferences using cookies
  • Gain attention in the advertisement by highlighting something they’re interested in
  • Recommend related videos which could be of interest
  • Encourage viewers to share the advertisement with their friends

Samsung GALAXY Tab S

Samsung . (2015). Samsung GALAXY Tab S – Official Introduction

The Youtube description provided for the video states

“Samsung GALAXY Tab S combines the most advanced Super AMOLED display technology with a full range of premium content for an unrivalled entertainment experience. The Tab S is also powered with enhanced productivity features for effortless multitasking, all elegantly housed in a highly stylish, yet practical design.”

Published on 12 Jun 2014, the video has received 6,060,025 views. The advertisement have a narrator, the descriptions are seen as words on the page. The viewer may feel distant to the product because they haven’t seen it used by a like-minded person. This could’ve been improved by making the brand message and core brand principles obvious, by doing so this will reassure the consumer about the brand reputation. Reassurance could also be created by using of a likeminded video blogger to engage more successfully with the viewer. The power of recommendations can be highly influential so organisations could hire video bloggers in the form of well known celebrities or YouTube sensations, this would spark the interest of fans and direct them to the video. Cookies would allow organisations to track recently watched YouTube videos and recommend a video which would be suitable to the user’s interests. The most successful marketing techniques are those that the public remember, and there are many marketing techniques that can trigger strong reactions to make an advertisement memorable.


  • Differentiate the brand
  • Communicate the personal experiences users have had with the product
  • Use the viewer’s YouTube likes to dictate the advertisements you recommend
  • Use video bloggers that the viewer may be interested in seeing


The current advertisements available for tablets on YouTube are lacking any real defining factors, it’s hard to tell them apart. In the current technological age it seems as though companies are not using the data available to them to their full potential. It would be more exciting and revolutionary if tablets were advertised in a more unique way to the viewer. The advertisements should aim to be unforgettable, they should stand out from the crowd and truly target the user. This will encourage a more personal relationship with the brand, boosting customer loyalty. Clear concise communication will strengthen the theme of the advertisement and can avoid any misperception. It’s possible to demonstrate credibility by posting reviews and links to successful work.


Cookies can be implemented by data mining, Srivastava et al (2000) identifies the three main stages associated with mining data.

cookiesFigure 2: Srivastava et al. (2000). Web usage mining: Discovery and applications of usage patterns from web data.

The first is ‘Pre-processing’ at this stage any data available such as images or text need to be prepared for the web mining sequence.

“Pre-processing consists of converting the usage, content, and structure information contained in the various available data sources into the data abstractions necessary for pattern discovery”(Srivastava et al. 2000).

The second process is called ‘ Pattern discovery’,

“Pattern discovery draws upon methods and algorithms developed from several fields such as statistics, data mining, machine learning and pattern recognition”(Srivastava et al. 2000).

the most common way to transform information is statistical analysis, it can take into consideration complex consumer motivators such as time spent on a page and the amount of times a user accesses that page, this makes it easier to decipher there preferences. Classification can take place at this stage, data can tell a story about a user and so the user can be classed into relative categories. Sequential patterns can also be identified, this means the sequence in which the user is expected to act, making it easier for organisations to predict there moves and target towards them more successfully. The third key area related to data mining is pattern analysis, at this stage data mining will…

“filter out uninteresting rules of patterns from the set found in the pattern discovery phase”(Srivastava et al. 2000).

Possible barriers

Cookies are a source of debate as there are issues with how the data is used, data may threaten the consumer’s privacy and trust (Bennett, 2011). These privacy issues were defined by Beak and Morimoto (2012, p. 63) as…

‘‘the degree to which a consumer is worried about the potential invasion of the right to prevent the disclosure of personal information to others.’’

It’s essential to draw attention to the fact that cookies are a choice (‘opt-in’) and can be declined by the user (‘opt out’). Smit et al (2014) gained knowledge from an online questionnaire which indicated that some of the users of web pages do not have adequate knowledge of the advertising techniques they are susceptible to. Nowadays, marketing frequently comprises of somebody’s title and image, and it can be directed to demographic individualities or attuned to preceding website visits. Cookies are now used frequently



  • Apple. (2015). Apple – iPad Air – TV Ad – Chérie’s Verse . Available: Last accessed 27/04/15.
  • Amazon. (2015). Amazon Fire HD Tablets – More Than a Tablet . Available: Last accessed 27/04/15.
  • Bennett, S. C. (2011). Regulating online behavioral advertising. John Marshall Law Review, 44(4), 899–961.
  • Baek, T. H., & Morimoto, M. (2012). Stay away from me: Examining the determinants of consumer avoidance of personalized advertising. Journal of Advertising, 41(1), 59–76.
  • Google. (2015). Adsense help. Available: Last accessed 27/04/15.
  • Samsung . (2015). Samsung GALAXY Tab S – Official Introduction . Available: Last accessed 27/04/15.Smit, E. G., Van Noort, G., &
  • Srivastava, J., Cooley, R., Deshpande, M., & Tan, P. N. (2000). Web usage mining: Discovery and applications of usage patterns from web data. ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter, 1(2), 12-23.
  • Sony. (2015). Sony Xperia YouTube page. Available: Last accessed 30/04/15.
  • Sony. (2015). B-Boy break dance practice with Sony Xperia E3. Good fun made great . Available: Last accessed 30/04/15.
  • Voorveld, H. A. (2014). Understanding online behavioural advertising: User knowledge, privacy concerns and online coping behaviour in europe. Computers in Human Behavior, 32, 15-22.