Changing your customer base for the better


Lets look at GoPro as an example:

Think it. See it. Do it.

These three sentences above can be applied to any one person but yet GoPro has an established the majority of its target market being adrenaline junkies. This is where they will have to change.

Bland (2014) explains for all who do not know, GoPro make wearable cameras that range from £79.99 to £399.99. These cameras are shock proof, waterproof, small and lightweight. But recently across the last year GoPro released a drone that required a recall as the drones had issues. This made them loose a large amount of share price. Munnarriz (2016) writes that their revenue dropped by 40% in the last quarter in 2016 to $240.6m.

To compensate for the change GoPro decided to grow their target market. But how?

They made a scripted TV advert to target not just all the extreme sports fanatics but to target the average person who wants a camera who doesn’t want to film action sports. Beer (2016) shows that the Senior Vice President of marketing (Bryan Johnston) says that he wants to grow the GoPro Family.

(The survey above polled over 30,000 online consumers between Europe, America and Middle East)

GoPro usually advertise the majority of their videos on YouTube. This platform caters towards the majority of generation Z and millennials. But to now target towards the generation X and the baby bloomers they have made a TV advert as the older age groups (35-64) are more likely to watch television compared to viewing adverts on social media.

The advert consists of showing that you can capture any moment, whether you’re dancing or playing with your children. It is an interesting technique but now the cameras are adapted so they are easily usable with touch screen and have in built microphones so they can make the perfect home camera.

Creating Presence

Kim et al (2017) shows that creating immersion (perception of being included) and presence (perception of being there) is key to retain engagement from television advertisements. Communication theory is used to explain that immersing the consumer in what the product is, does and how it can be applied to themselves as the consumer can help them gain interest by connecting them via creating content that they find relevant to themselves.

For example the advert shown above now targets families: “Is this really playing with your kid”. The way the advert works so well is that the children are the most important part of the family so explaining to potential consumers that you keep those memories via recording in an affordable and easily manageable way to retain what families might be looking for.

Story Telling

The brain has been found to find remember stories easier than facts and data. Paul (2012) reveals that the Journal of NeuroImage published in 2006 shows that when describing stories, especially with metaphors peoples brains lit up or made signals. The art of story telling online is to use video, as the advert is recorded on the product they are trying to market they have provided a clear representation for the consumer to see what the footage is actually like in regards to whether they would purchase a GoPro camera.


The television advert campaign can be criticised as television shows the least amount of exposure compared to exposure on the internet, Trimble (2015) writes that it has been predicted to this year having 69% of consumer internet traffic will be video. Strategies to reach all age groups from ages 16-50 can be adopted through online, it is just clear that television does not grasp the amount of reach compared to social media.

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