final animation!

the final animation is all done! with music!

ive attached the animation below as well as a youtube link! (just incase one of them doesnt work)

im quite happy with how its turned out. given more time i would of done the scene where the netting comes off the boat a lot better, would of made the netting more prominent, as well as have the waves moving, and a fisherman moving.

i also would of added drawn frames to the first scene. i used a couple repeats in the first scene of the animation, it was meant to look more like the seal was sniffling while crying. going back if id had the time i would have drawn out those frames properly so it would be smoother.

i would also add more frames to the scene where the seal gets caught in the rope as its very quick and only made of 4 drawings. i would have possibly done the ropes snapping in that scene rather than an scene of just the rope.

i really like the last 2 scenes though. i would of added more frames to the one where the seal is coming out of the water. i would do this to spead that up and also make it longer, possibly with the seal struggling to climb and walk on land before finally collapsing.

i really like the last scene, its very simple and i think the key frames i used to zoom on the last image is nice as it leaves you with a very sad image, therefore leaving with sad emotion from the animation, as aimed for.

i think the message of fishing nets harming ocean animals comes across clearly. if id had more time i would of done another scene with the penguin (though undecided what happened to him)


however im happy with the end result and i feel that the music goes with it well, especially as it slows towards the final scene, so it has good timing.

penguin in fishing net

in order to make this animation sad and thoughtful, I chose to have the scenes make suggestions rather than showing brutality. for example in the frames below, the penguin gets caught in the net.

I planned to show this with a still of the penguins face, showing surprise, covered with the net.

then it goes to the scene of the penguin being lifted up while in the water.



seal climb gif

these are the frames of the seal climbing onto the ice after escaping from the net.

i started with the paper frames, i redrew these on photoshop. my scanner has not been working. so the line work is very grainy when i spereate the line art from a drawing from a photo. i chose to draw them back out on photoshop, over the frames, so that the frames would be higher quality.



i chose to have the seal slightly to the upper left rather than bang in the middle, as i thought it would look a bit more interesting.


these are the frames put into a gif.

seal crying gif

these are the paper frames, followed by the coloured frames

this is the part of the animation, where the seal that stayed on land because he was scared has seen whats going on and starts to cry.


this is th final gif, i repeated afew of the frames to make it look like the seal was sniffling, as well as make it a little longer.

seal and penguin part 2

I’ve drawn and coloured the penguin and seal playing separately. this was to focus on the movement. i put the paper frames on another post; creating frames with animation paper.

seal and penguin part 1

these are the frames colour in photoshop and then made into gifs separately to check that they work as animations.

at the moment they are very quick, I will add and repeat frames to make this longer.



I’m really happy with how both these gifs turned out, I wasn’t expecting them to work as well as they did. now I’m going to go back, repeat a few more frames so it looks like they’re swimming along, together.

seal caught in net frames

these are the frames of the seal caught in the net.

i started with on drawing in pencil f the net designed. which i redrew on photoshop. i also decided not to outline the netting as i felt this was to clunky.


I really like the darkness of the outside of these frames, as it goes lighter to the middle where the seal is. it directs the viewer to look at the seal and the darkness sort of creates this feeling of dread.

this is the final gif. I really prefer it to the other scenes of the seal swimming, as this scene is simple it works a lot better, though it could do with more frames of the seal struggling as their is too much of a lack of movement.

seal swimming wth rope around neck frames and gif


I did these frames on animation paper, before putting them into photoshop and colouring them to make the GIF. i only put the rope around the neck on two of the frames, as i decided to wait till i edited the frames in photoshop. as i would be able to cut the rope out and duplicate it to place onto the other frames, saving myself time.


the resulting GIF isn’t as good as I wanted it to be. part of this is due to being rendered at a low bitrate in order for my laptop to be able to process it, as well as being able to get it onto the blog and YouTube. however, I also feel the drawings don’t look very good. going back, if I’d had the time I would have definitely changed the background to make it look more sea like. I also would get rid of the black outlining as I feel its too thick and just doesn’t fit. I think this would allow the drawings to move smoother as black sticks out with such a dark contrast compared to the seal colouring and the sea.

however I am also quite happy as I wasn’t not expecting these frames to work at all. due to the back of the seal going up and down, while the fins change I felt like it changed the position too much between frames. so while this doesn’t look good, it has worked better than I thought it would.

rope break frames

i decided to add a small extra scene of some rope on the net breaking. i did this to show the seal breaking away from the net.


i did this on photoshop, rather than using animation paper as i felt it would be quicker to work through. i then put these frames into adobe after effects to create this GIF.