Tell me about it project- final outcome

book cover  

for the book cover I painted acrylic on the hardcover. I named the book Chiroptera as this is the name for the order of the bats, therefore this term includes every different specie of bat. The book doesn’t look quite that dark in person, however I feel that if I had planned this a little better I would have made the cover lighter.

inside the cover

the inside cover I wanted to be simple but interesting so I did quicker pen drawings as I wanted these to be kind of bold. I also thought I would like all the pages to have a simple layout of a drawing and text so it was visually interesting and informative. I used watercolour and pen for the drawing. I also used pen for the text which I chose to do in a simple text style so it could be read easily.


i used the first few pages to show some information about bats. explaining their different diets, anatomy of parts of the body. I kept these parts simple so that the information was universal for all the species of bat I would talk about in the book. I used watercolour as this was quick to get areas of colour down. I used pen a lot throughout the book as this was quick to create structure in a painting, as well as achieving detail. After this I went into the species of different bats, following a similar structure of imagery and text. I would always start off by doing the drawing/painting to make sure the visual was the most important part of the page. in some pages i put the drawings to the side if their was lots of information, but I still tried to make sure they took up as significant part of the page spread.

vampire batsspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciesspeciescoronavirus

This is a total of 62 pages. At the start I did pen and not a lot of colour for the first few pages, I wanted to change this and put colour on almost every page as I found this to be more interesting visually.

the last two pages I decided to do a little information on coronavirus. I did this because of the virus becoming a worldwide pandemic. coronavirus is commonly found in different species. But when bats get it their immune systems are able to fight it off very easily. bats have often been killed in the past out of fear for diseases like rabies, as well as being pests. I put this section in the end to try and stop this, its unfair to kill animals for something that wasn’t their fault. Many bats are already endangered, but they are important to our ecosystem and so should not be harmed. I drew a sad bat in a bowl of noodle soup to add a little comedy, but also because I found that idea quite sad.

Overall I am really happy with this project as I haven’t made a book before it was a big job to fill out 62 pages. however this was a big job and i did end up going over on the time we had to do this project by over a week. if i was going back to do this now i would of made the book about half the size and do the drawings on paper before scanning them and adding the text so I could ensure the final product would be a little more refined. However I do really like that the final outcome is all hand drawn and written.

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