Paris VS New York – Vahram Muratyan
Whilst researching into my project, and talking to fellow members on my course about what it was they were doing, a friend from my seminar group suggested to look at the book ‘Paris VS New York’ by Vahram Muratyan.
I had not heard of this before, but absolutely loved it at first glance. Vahram Muratyan is a graphic designer, who created an online travel journey of his excursions to Paris and New York, which became one of the most buzzed about sites on the internet. Mauritian now presents his works in the book ‘Paris versus New York’ which shows the contrast between the two cities in an aesthetically pleasing but also witty way.
Although I was not directly comparing the two cities, and trying to find differences between them, I did notice many similarities and differences between the two. And like Muratyan I was visiting the two different places. Although the two destinations of Paris and New York would have far more noticeable cultural differences than the likes of London and Brighton, I found this book inspiring and would definitely recommend it to others.
Photos from the original book ‘Paris VS New York’ by Vahram Muratyan.