Ways of Seeing by John Berger

John Berger’s ‘Ways of Seeing’ is a series of both pictorial and written essays that suggest seeing is a political act influenced by class, race, sex and environment.

Berger was a public intellectual, using his position to speak out against social injustices and to lend his support to artists and activists across the globe. He believed and verified throughout the book, that to ground yourself in society and give meaning to your life, you must understand your history.

As white european elites have dictated what constitutes as art throughout history, had the ability to preserve what they believe is “good art” and discard what goes against their beliefs, they have managed to maintain control of the subject, and in the process have secluded a large portion of the working and middle class society.

Berger proposes that art is for everyone, that it is a form of self expression, that no one can dictate what is right or wrong, good or bad art. Cultures across the world prove this as such a wide variety is produced depending on environment, resources and conflict.

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