Neutro By Missoni


Fast fashion has become and environmental and economic crisis worldwide, yet the issues have been silenced by those highest to protect themselves from financial instability. Corporations have moved their factories overseas to developing countries that have lower minimum wages and competitive material costs to maximise their personal profits and continue to relocate to achieve the maximum potential income for there companies. Over time, mandatory costs are increasing and as a result, employees at the factories are being placed in unsafe situations receiving severely low wages in order to obtain work.

From the environmental aspect of the movement, the creation of the garments produces toxic materials that are resealed into the air and water flow that we all rely on for our existence. Waste clothing fills our man made land wholes that we burry beneath in order to hide the consequences of our actions. Although much of the economy feels undeserving of the blame, everyone who purchases from the brands contributes to the issue at large.

In 2016, the domestic market value of the fashion industry was 66 billion pounds with an employment rate of 555,000 people, with only 39,000 working in the manufacturing business. The statistics demonstrate the lack of national support to locally sourced materials and production due to the higher living standards, and by doing so we have lost a huge industry for both employment and investment.

Missoni produces quality products that offer employees a fair wage, exemplary working conditions and produce all materials within their own factory using sustainable methods. Although the brand now works along side other companies, they have kept a solid foundation within its structure and still are very much a family business. The principles Missoni follow are ethical and viable to its environment, support local workers and help develop Italy’s constantly progressive economy.

Neutro translates to natural in Italian, and finds its purpose as a logical resolution to a problem becoming undeniably hard to ignore. The second hand market is becoming increasingly valuable to youth who are rediscovering a garments life after its previous consumers have lost interest with it. The reselling community such as Depop and Ebay have opened up the possibility for individuals to own something that they would not have had the possibility to own/wear before. This new market has not be targeted by an already existing fashion brand, however I feel it will be essential for all brands to be able to adapt for this feature in the coming years.

Neutro rehabilitates valuable second hand items, taking them into local workshops where they can be transformed into other garments or repaired and resold. The cost of my brand will be around 20-100 pounds depending on the item and will be relabelled as its own brand. This production will hopefully encourage the recycling of materials within the western culture and provide a number of employment opportunities for local staff. Inspired by the future generations and there innovative approach to progressive fashion, Neutro hopes to provide its customers with quality garments at a reasonable price while using sustainable production methods and increasing jobs in the manufacturing business.

My spread:

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