David Bailey NW1

The small exhibit was held on Lexington street in Soho in a discrete location that was difficult to initially locate, however this worked in favour for its privacy. The white space was divided by a wall that framed  approximately 25 photographs taken by David Bailey during the 1980’s in Notting Hill/ Primrose Hill area; the photography highlights the immense change the area has endured to become one of London’s wealthy postcodes. During the period, Notting Hill was an undesired home for most for its dangerous connotations and deteriorating derelict buildings, however many artists and designers fell in love with the surroundings and embraced its character.

The photography is striking and breathtaking; the composition created almost art like images that have movement and flow amongst each other. Bailey is famous for his use of black and white imagery and ability to characterise his subjects; although this collection is landscape, it still stays committed to these values. His attention to detail is proven evident in his ability to catch symmetry and repetition in his work in a influential way, the effect of this seems political and purposeful.

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