Figure workshop

This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative. This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative. In this workshop, I experimented with the use of illustration and drawing the figure. I enjoyed this workshop as it allowed me to express my creative freedom with in collage and illustration. In this workshop we took it in turns to style each other in loose fabric, creating a figure that had depths and colour to it. Some focused on making sure a silhouette was achieved on the model. Some of my illustrations focused on materials whilst only using a black tip pen, charcoal and red paint. We were not allowed to use a pencil or a rubber. As the workshop moved on we were asked to do the same but use content from magazines for colour and shapes. I found this part difficult to find material that had the correct colour and shapes, but overcame this by using a black tip pen to create more shape and tones into the illustration. I overall, enjoyed this workshop as it allowed me to express as much artistic freedom as possible, I believe that this is something that I would like to contribute to my zine pages.

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