Final Evaluation

Looking back on my Fashion Photography and Styling module there were many things that I had learnt, due to previously studying photography in college, I had felt strongly about taking photographs and handling a camera but when it had come to Styling, that was a section in which I was unsure about.

I enjoyed learning the importance of a stylist working with the photographer, researching different stylists and how they used their talent to bring the image alive and finally different styling methods. Challenges in which I came across throughout the module included, getting used to putting thoughts into clothes styling, narrowing down my ideas for the final photoshoot and working with natural lighting on the photoshoot.

I dealt with the challenges by carefully choosing the garments and putting thought into them before taking images of them, coming up with pro’s and con’s to help narrow down my ideas and then working around the daylight by moving the models in front of the lighting and making the light brighter within photoshop.

However, I have overall enjoyed this module and am pleased with my final outcome. This has changed the way that I think about sustainability, I did not realise the many methods and ways that sustainability could be shown through a fashion image in which I found very intriguing. Going into future modules, I hope to apply and expand my ideas and skills by using as many experimental pieces as I did within this module.

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