Category: The Art of Composition

The Art of Composition

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Here I have followed through my plans of collaging the Pink Man! I really want to continue playing around with this method as I am really chuffed with the outcomes, but the deadline is fast approaching and I may have to present these for now. I have felt massively under pressure the past few days, with the essay deadline fast approaching, and must say it’s been a little overwhelming. But when everything has calmed down I think I’ll be able to create some more considered responses to the second half of the brief because I am losing faith a little in what I’m producing. It’s hard to know how to approach these briefs as I’m still finding my rhythm but I think it will come to me eventually! 

The Pink Man

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Finally I have finished the ‘one day’ project! Having modelled my sculpture on the more obscure drawings that I had done of human figures, I had intended to paint this figure white to closely replicate them. However, once I had finished the white priming coat I realised that using too light a colour would only highlight any of the uneven surfaces made by the ‘low brow’ materials I had used. So, instead, I painted him pink! I have a complete love of pink which, I think, stems from hating it as a child and its associations with being a very ‘girly’ colour.

Anyway, I’m really chuffed with the outcome! I think the pink man worked well having such bright eyes and big hands- I found it really amusing that loads of people thought they’d been accidental. I really want to work with collaging him and working from the photos I took of him as I think this is a suitable progression! I’d love to make more sculptures as well, I have been intending to make some so I really appreciated that the ‘Composition of Space’ project kind of forced us to do so.