Being forever anti establishment as I am, I started with the second half of the brief over the first. For some reason the pull of the unexplained was far too tempting. As soon as I got home after I went straight to the computer and watched a couple of half an hour documentaries; the first exploring the mysterious entities located in the Bermuda Triangle and the second informing about the eery circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Amelia Earhart.
I took extensive notes and get engaged by the research I had carried out, I went into Uni the next day feeling informed enough about the two subjects to get going on the brief. When I got to the studios, however, I found myself doodling pictures of Yetis. The subtitle ‘Cryptids’ had caught my eye and I found my mind wondering to think about how Yetis have been presented to me throughout my life. The Yeti in Monster’s Inc sprung to mind as the most prominent. So many different interpretations of the mysterious beast run through popular children’s shows and you’re taught about it from such a young age. But how much do we actually know about the Yeti really? From the moment I drew my first fluffy little grey Yeti I’ve been hooked. So for the Explain the Unexplained project I am going to be exploring Cryptids and their various mythologies through the world.